Monday, August 16, 2010

Treatments for Type 2 Diabetes | Health | Patient UK

Treatments for Type 2 Diabetes Health Patient UK: "Treatments for Type 2 Diabetes
The 'first-line' treatment for type 2 diabetes is diet, weight control and physical activity. If your blood glucose level remains high despite a trial of these lifestyle measures then tablets to reduce the blood glucose level are usually advised. Insulin injections are needed in some cases if the blood glucose level remains too high despite taking tablets. Treatments for other related problems may also be advised.

This leaflet mainly discusses treatments that can lower the blood glucose level. It briefly mentions other treatments that may also be advised if you have type 2 diabetes. See separate leaflet called 'Diabetes Type 2' for more general information about this condition."
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Friday, March 5, 2010

Tatapan Masa Lapang

Death By Prescription-Ray D.Strand,MD

Buku ini ditulis dan disusun dengan kemas dan menarik.Jika buku ini
tidak di olah sebegitu ianya hanya seperti buku biasa yang lain.Penulis mengutarakan beberapa kes kesan sampingan ubat yang boleh membawa kepada kematian.Seperti komen beliau saya percaya kita mestilah betul-betul faham samada kita perlu atau tidak atas sesuatu ubat.Adakah jalan lain yang kita boleh lakukan.?Janganlah kita terus menerima prekripsi tanpa mengetahui apa yang diberikan dan apakah kesan sampingan yang mungkin kita hadapi.
Simpanlah nota kecil untuk merekodkan fakta ubat,dos dan waktu kita mula menggunakan ubat tersebut.Untuk mendapat maklumat lanjut anda perlulah mendapatkan buku tersebut dari kedai buku yang terdekat.Salah satu kedai  yang anda boleh dapatkan buku tersebut ialah MPH dengan harga RM 29.90.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Selamat Tahun Baru Cina

Perjalanan kita masih jauh.Tuhan menjadikan manusia dari pelbagai bangsa,warna kulit,berbagai bahasa bagi kita melihat kebesarannya.Marilah kita bersama membangunkan negara kita dengan aman,makmur dan saksama.Selamat Tahun Baru diucapkan untuk semua rakyat Malaysia.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Glaucoma is a group of disease that can lead to damage to eye's optic nerve and result in blindness.It is caused by increased the intraocular pressure(IOP) resulting either from a malformation or malfunction of the eye's draiage structure.

A wide variety of treatment are available for reducing the intraocular pressure,the only known effective treatment for glaucoma.

.Medicine:Medicines are the most common early treatment for glaucoma.They come in the form of eyedrops and pills.

.Laser surgery:Also called trabeculoplasty.A special lens is held to your eye.A high energy beam of light is aimed at the lens and reflected onto meshwork inside your eye.The laser makes 500-100 evenly spaced burns.These burns strecth the drainage holes in the meshwork.This help to open the holes and lets fluid drain better through them.

.Conventional surgery:A new channel for aqueous humor(fluid) to drain into blood circulation is created.This will enable the intraoccular pressure to be maintained of normal tension.


Ini adalah maklumat yang berguna yang hendak saya kongsi bersama anda.Sekiranya anda ingin mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut sila lawati laman web ini,

Saturday, January 23, 2010


"Pomegranate compounds may ease breast cancer risk

.....An acid found in pomegranates appears to block aromatase, an enzyme that converts androgen to estrogen, a hormone that plays a role in the development of breast cancer..found that 10 natural compounds in the fruit may potentially prevent estrogen-related breast cancer... 'They (pomegranate compounds) are not as potent as the real drugs so we think that the interest probably is more on the prevention end rather than in a therapeutic purpose.'..'It's not clear that these levels could be achieved in animals or in humans because the (compounds) are not well absorbed into blood when provided in the diet,

Bagi orang Melayu biasanya kita memanggilnya sebagai 'Buah Delima'.Semasa kecil dulu susah juga nak dapat makan buah delima berbanding dengan buah mangga,buah jambu ataupun buah bacang.Sekiranya anda anda berminat untuk mengetahuinya dengan lebih lanjut.Sila klik disini;
>>>Buah Delima
>>>Article Buah Delima dan Cancer.